About the

Jewish Youth Fund

The Jewish Youth Fund was established in 1937 to commemorate the Coronation of King George VI with the object of strengthening Anglo-Jewish youth work. The Fund continues to achieve this by making grants to Jewish youth organisations in Britain.

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Jewish Youth Fund

Grants Criteria

  • Criteria 01 - Applicants will be Jewish organisations, groups or clubs which are UK registered charities and whose beneficiaries are of the Jewish faith in the United Kingdom.
  • Criteria 02 - Applicants must provide positive informal educational experiences and/or recreation opportunities for young Jewish people within the United Kingdom who are aged between 9 and 21 in an informal setting.
  • Criteria 03 - Grants will only be given if there is confidence that Child Protection, Health & Safety, Data Protection and other relevant policies are in place and being applied consistently.
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Summer 2025 Grants

Summer 2025 Grants

20 Feb 2025

Application for JYF's Summer 2025 Grants Open at 9am on Thursday 20 Feb and close at 3pm on Friday 2…

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  • FZY’s membership have been greatly impacted by the generous and continued support of the Jewish Youth Fund. Without their commitment, FZY would not have been able to affect thousands of young Jewish people - the future leadership of the movement and the community.

    Joel Jacobs, Executive Director, FZY
  • With JYF support we can run one of the highlights of our Noam year, our residential leadership training programme, where our young people have the opportunity to learn from and with each other, as well as from world class educators. JYF are great to work with, are supportive beyond finances and really care about our work and young people.

    Lucy Cohen, Director, Noam Masorti Youth
  • At Bnei Akiva we are privileged to work alongside and be supported by the Jewish Youth Fund. With their support and guidance we ensure that we provide the highest quality of education for our Chanichim at every Bnei Akiva activity. The JYF has directly helped us impact the lives of thousands of Jewish children across the country, for which we are incredibly grateful.

    Adam Waters, COO, Bnei Akiva UK
  • The support of the Jewish Youth Fund has never been more appreciated than during the the pandemic. Its understanding and empathy has allowed Habonim Dror to continue to serve the needs of our members and the wider community. We have rapidly transitioned to online programming, supporting our members at schools and universities, and finding new ways to give them a positive, informal Jewish space. Many thanks for the continued support - chazak ve amatz! (be strong and have courage!).

    Harrison Engler, Mazkir, Habonim Dror
  • UJIA has always seen the Jewish Youth Fund as a core part of the infrastructure that supports informal Jewish youth activities in the UK. We have been proud to partner with JYF a number of times and have always found it to be an engaged, strategic and professional funder, who listen to the needs of grantees and of young people and add significant value to the sector.

    Robin Moss, Director of Strategy, UJIA
  • We have been incredibly grateful for the support and guidance offered by the JYF team. The application process, criteria and additional guidance have been clear and ongoing communication is always consistent. We value our connection with the Jewish Youth Fund and look forward to continuing our partnership going forward.

    Natasha Shaw, Executive Director, BBYO
  • With the support of the JYF we at the Zone have been able to provide a comprehensive social integration programme that has enhanced the lives of so many Jewish young people in Leeds and helped to build our strong youth community. JYF gave us the platform to reach socially isolated young people, build confidence and skills whilst socialising in a safe, Jewish environment with old and new peers. For this and more we are truly grateful and thank them for their continued support.

    Alex Elf, Community Engagement & Fundraising Manger
  • We are so grateful to The Jewish Youth Fund for all the support over the years. The Jewish Youth Fund was one of the founding funders of Gateways and for this all we are very thankful.

    Laurence Field, Director of Gateways